If you are seeking employment, one of the first steps you will take is to write a letter of intent for a job. The purpose of this letter of intent for a job is to formally submit your resume and your personal interests to a potential employer.
This formal written communication is your way of expressing your educational and other interests to an employer. This lets the employer know what type of applicant you are and why you are interested in the position or industry you are applying for.
It can help you separate yourself from many other candidates who may have similar qualifications and experience, but are not closely aligned with your career goals. It can also help you highlight any professional achievements and set yourself apart from those who do not have as much or any experience in your field.
Letter Of Intent For A Job

How to Write a Letter of Intent for Job
Letters of intent are often required when seeking to establish a business relationship, gain university admission or to secure a position.
When writing a letter of intent, it is important to convey what you are seeking clearly and confidently. Such letters should be written precisely. The following should be included
Below the letterhead, include the date formatted to the left margin.
Company recipient name and address.
After the date double space and include a recipient name and address block. You should try to find out the specific person to whom the letter should be addressed.
Subject line.
After the name and address block double space and then include the subject about which you are writing in RE: format.
The greeting should be formal Use “Mr.” or “Ms.” followed by the name of the person. Try not to use “Sir or Madam” as previously discussed.
The opening sentence should summarize precisely why you are writing.
The body of your letter should precisely discuss the project in which you are interested, related goals
Tips to Help You Create An Effective Letter Of Intent For A Job
Here are some tips to help you create an effective letter of intent for a job.
- Learning the businesses you interested in
Begin the process of crafting a letter of intent for a job by learning as much as you can about the businesses you are most interested in. You can check them out based on several factors such as their reputation for fair hiring practices, their training policies for new employees in your chosen profession, or other opportunities they provide for advancement in your career.
Your letter should convey your enthusiasm for the position, as well as let the employer know what your plans are in terms of advancement and where you see yourself going within the company.
- Body of your letter
The body of your letter is equally as important as the opening. Always start on a personal note but try to be informative as well. Use interesting questions and statements that will catch the eye of your reader and make them want to know more about you and what you do. At the end of your letter, always send a thank you note and a short job resume. Writing the salutation is optional and depends on the nature of the company you are applying for.
- Detailed as possible
One of the most important tips for writing a job search interest letter is to be as detailed as possible. Include everything from your resume, to your interests and experiences, down to how long you have been employed with the company.
- Include the dates you joined
Include the dates you joined, when you first started with the company, and what your goals are for the future. Following these simple tips will make it easier for you to come across as a dynamic and interested candidate.
- Provide past work experiences or achievements
To give the employer an idea of how to write a letter of intent for a job, you need to provide examples of past work experiences or achievements that directly pertain to the position. Provide a few basic examples, taking care to include the precise skills, titles, and positions related to the job you are applying for. Employers want their selection team to reflect their culture, values, and strengths.
If you’re unfamiliar with how to write a cover letter for a job application, there are a number of resources available on the internet. Cover letters for various professions can be found online, and there are sample cover letters, which you can customize to fit the needs of the particular position you are applying for.
You may also find tutorials, free tips, and templates online that you can use. One important thing to remember when creating a cover letter for a job is that you should always use the appropriate salutation for the position description. You never want to send an inappropriate or confusing message to the employer.
Letter Of Intent For A Job Template

Another important factor to consider when crafting an intent statement for a job is the tone of the letter. Job applications can be tricky, and you want to take extra time to craft a professional letter of intent for a job that communicates your qualifications in the best way possible.
Letter Of Intent For A Job Sample

Letter Of Intent For A Job Offer

Letter Of Intent For A Job Transfer

Letter Of Intent For A Nursing Job

Letter Of Intent For A Teaching Job

Letter Of Intent For A Volunteer Nurse Job

You can find letter of intent for a job online or by looking through the many templates for business letter ideas.
Letter Of Intent For A Job Example

An example of a standard letter of intent for a job would read something like this:
Mr. Roger Smith / Manager / Human Resources Department / Pittsburgh-eds. We are extremely interested in receiving any additional information that will assist you in the position you are seeking.
In the event you need any further information or assistance, please contact us via email or phone.
Thank you for your time and understanding during this time.
When using an intent example letter as a guideline, keep the communication clear and simple, but professional. Highlight your unique qualities, skills, and accomplishments. State your name and contact information if needed.
Close by saying “Thank You” and your resume/cover letter signature can be added at the bottom of the page in block letters, or at the top in a spiral. You’ll be surprised how much times this small change makes a big difference!